We at Camp Onseyawa seek to serve all qualified individuals with disabilities who meet the essential eligibility requirements listed below. These criteria are necessary to ensure not only the safety of participating campers but also their ability to receive the maximum benefits of Camp Onseyawa. We seek to serve eligible campers in the most integrated setting possible.
All acceptances of applications are conditional. Camp Onseyawa reserves the right to accept or deny applications or defer admission on site or prior to attendance should it later become aware that the initial application was flawed or the camper’s health has severely declined or upon demonstration that a camper does not meet the applicable eligibility criteria.
All deferrals or revocation of admission must be approved by the Camp Director.
An eligible applicant must meet the following criteria:
1.) Be between the ages of 8 and 16 as of August 1st of the Camp Onseyawa Session;
2.) Have a physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability as verified by a Doctor in writing annually or when requested.
3.) Have the ability to effectively communicate needs to camp staff (this communication may consist of a verbal, audible, or physical response such as an eye shift or a very slight gesture; persons in a minimally responsive state would not meet this criteria);
4.) Is not abusive towards him/herself or others, i.e. does not physically, verbally, or sexually abuse self or others, which abuse may include hitting, biting, scratching, spitting, kicking, excessive swearing, excessive or inappropriate yelling or verbal degradation, inappropriate touching or fondling or other inappropriate behavior;
5.) Does not pose a direct threat to himself/herself or others that cannot be eliminated or reduced below the level of a direct threat with or without reasonable accommodation. Direct threat is defined as a substantial risk of harm to the camper or others; direct threat may include having a highly contagious condition such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, an open or draining wound or rash, topical parasites, etc. or other conditions that may be spread through casual human contact;
6.) Does not have a medical condition or impairment that requires specialized medical treatment (i.e. intravenous infusions, awake overnight monitoring);
7.) Does not have a medical condition or impairment that has a substantial risk or likelihood for complication or injury;
8.) Is in acceptable health as indicated by: Not having a temperature greater than 99.5°F orally; not having blood pressure greater than 160/90; not having a heart rate greater than 120 BPM;
9.) Has the ability to eat or drink or take in amounts adequate for nutritional support;
10.) Agrees to and takes personal prescription medication.
11.) Resides in either Ontario, Seneca, Yates or Wayne counties *exceptions will be made based on “Out of County Acceptance Procedure” Outside of the listed Counties applicants must be approved by the Camp Onseyawa Director. Camp is funded by the Rotary Clubs of the above Counties. Any applicant outside of these counties must have an agreement with their local Rotary club to fund their attendance at camp, prior to the camp director's acceptance of the camper application.